Saturday, January 8, 2011

I think I can...I think I can

I guess it's natural to have a little apprehension when shoving off the shores of the known world, and I'm no exception.  When faced with something new, there is no doubt that the thought of falling off the edge of the earth works to set up camp in my thinking, but for me, it's not long before the excitement of learning and experiencing something new quickly overshadows any anxiety that accompanies any new venture.  It's not often that I say "no" when it comes to attempting something new; I have a simple schema that I follow: if another human is able to do it, then the only thing that separates me from doing it is time and effort (excluding the obvious gender limitations).  However, I must admit that there are limits to my desire to experience something new, and when the "uncharted waters" that I'm venturing into could sink the entire ship, the risk-reward curve quickly takes the helm.

1 comment:

  1. So this means you will be posting a celebratory dance video?
