I want to put you first, let you direct my day, but for some reason, I think I am better of just doing this life on my own. It's like an addiction. I know better, but I can't seem to break the habit. I know those sweet little hands innocently wrapping around every minute of every single day are just waiting to draw me closer to efficiency and punctuality, but again and again I turn away only to have you staring back into my eyes the very next morning.

Here is the question though, is it really a bad thing. I mean do we really have to be together every moment of everyday. I keep asking myself what is more important? Is it how I get there and who I bring with me, or is it that fact that I get there? Seriously, if I'm good enough my mom will never know that I bought her Mother's Day card at Kung Woo's Kwik-E-Mart on the way to her house, right? If she thinks that I thought ahead isn't that all that matters? Time, you make this life so frustrating.
chad, man i really struggled at first reading this. but i could not stop once i started. i guess i just had to see if you were really talking about what i thought you were talking about. i liked it, i think we all struggle with time whether theres too much in front of us and its going to slow or there is too much behind us and it went too fast. we all struggle with it.